• Are you called to become a Fully Initiated Catholic Christian?

    Inquire or Register for our Adult Sacramental Preparation formation programs.

    Register for 2023-2024

Adult Sacramental Preparation Formation

Do you or know of anybody age 18 years of age or older who is considering in becoming a Catholic or thinking about returning to the faith and receiving the Sacraments of Initiation? Our Adult Sacramental Preparation Programs prepares those seeking to be fully initiated in the church.

Adult Sacramental Prep

Discern God’s calling to become a Fully Initiated Catholic Christian

  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

    RCIA brings a non-Catholic who is discerning a call to become a Catholic into full communion with the church, fully initiated. The process, preparation and formation vary between persons. RCIA is also for non-Catholic Christians who were validly baptized outside of the Catholic Church but desire in becoming Catholic and receiving Confirmation and Eucharist.

    Learn More, Inquire, or Begin the Process:

    Sharla Ortiz

    Director of Catechetical and Youth Ministries
    (951) 676-2894

    Coordinator - Formation
    Aida Baltazar

    Coordinator of Religious Education
    (951) 225-6203

    RCIA: Learn More
  • Adult Confirmation

    Are you a baptized Catholic adult but not yet fully initiated in the Church? Our Adult Confirmation program is for those 18 years of age and older who been baptized in the Catholic faith but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program also prepares Catholic adults who have also not yet received First Holy Eucharist and/or First Reconciliation.

    Learn More, Inquire, or Begin the Process:

    Sharla Ortiz

    Director of Catechetical and Youth Ministries
    (951) 676-2894

    Coordinator - Formation
    Aida Baltazar

    Coordinator of Religious Education
    (951) 225-6203

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