Leave a message for our priests. To avoid delay in response, this voicemail should only be used after hours. Please have a live front office rep assist with scheduling calls or appointments with our clergy during Office Hours.
The automated system will provide a directory of connecting with our parish staff. To reach:
- Pastoral Associate, press 1.
- Office / Facilities Manager, press 2.
- Accounting / Finance, press 3.
- Director of Liturgy, press 4.
- Faith Formation Staff, press 5.
- Spanish Ministry, press 6.
From the start of her 2000 year history, the early church understood the paramount important of the eucharist. It took the church nearly 400 years to collect and assemble the bible, but the holy eucharist has been celebrated since the beginning.
Receive our Lord’s Mercy with the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Join us for in the church for scheduled private confessions or make an appointment for quality one-to-one time with your confessor by contacting our Parish Office and scheduling a time to celebrate the Sacrament privately.