Parents share the gift of human life with their children and, through Baptism, enrich them with a share in God's own life. As the primary catechists of their children, they have the duty to nourish this gift and form their kids in the Catholic faith. Parents are called to teach their children how to pray, how to worship, and how to serve others. Parish catechetical ministry programs assist parents in this solemn obligation.
-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
St. Catherine's is pleased to provide the families of registered parishioners an opportunity for their children to partake in our Faith Formation program with preparation for the holy sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
To evangelize and to catechize your children is the call to awaken, nurture and develop the hunger for God in one another and to journey with each other as we grow in our relationship with our Lord and Savior as Catholic Christians.