Answer the Call: Greeters, Ushers, Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Emcees, Media Livestreaming...Our Lord extends an invitation for you to serve.
Assist in this most important ministry of hospitality.
Take the role in this key hospitality ministry with assisting the community with seating, offertory, and the procession for Holy Communion.
Proclaim the living Word of God with the community in the form of the First and Second Readings and echo the parish pulpit announcements.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Help the priest and deacon distribute the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Altar Servers
Invite your children who have received the sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Eucharist to serve in one of the Church's most rewarding ministries for school age kids. Altar Servers assist the priest in many ways during Mass including carrying the Altar Crucifix, Altar Candles, and more. Boys and girls from Grades 4th through 12th and have received the aforementioned sacraments are most welcome to sign up.
Music Ministry
“He who sings prays twice,” says Saint Augustine.
Help lead the assembly in liturgical music and enhance the Liturgy by giving it life and meaning. Consists of Cantors, Instrumentalists, and Members of Choir, answer the call and engage the congregation in song and acclamation.
Master of Ceremonies
Prepare the church for Mass and help sustain the flow of the Liturgy.
Mass Media Ministry (M3)
Put today's technology into apostolic action with in-house and livestreamed multimedia aimed to bring the community closer to Jesus Christ.